Family Infected with Rare Brain Worms After Eating Undercooked Bear Meat

Family Infected with Rare Brain Worms After Eating Undercooked Bear Meat

1 minute read
Updated 22 days ago

The Incident and Health Impacts

In July 2022, six family members were infected with trichinellosis, a rare parasitic disease, after consuming undercooked black bear meat at a family reunion in . Symptoms included fever, muscle pain, and swelling around the eyes.

The 29-year-old man who initially fell ill was hospitalized twice, along with five other family members, including a 12-year-old girl. Treatment with albendazole, which kills parasitic worms, was successful for all affected, and they recovered.

Prevention and Recommendations

The emphasized the importance of cooking wild game meat, like bear, to an internal temperature of at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit to kill the trichinellosis parasites, as freezing the meat does not guarantee their elimination.

The incident highlights the risks associated with consuming undercooked wild game meat and the potential for cross-contamination. It serves as a reminder for proper cooking practices to prevent parasitic infections.
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